Monday, January 8, 2018

The Power of the Spirit


Well, life is great!  We had a good week. This introduction is extraordinarily standard.... The lack of creativity is real.  But it really was a great week, so I will continue onward. :)

Firstly, we had some good lessons. One was with Ieremia -- a less active who is not a member of the KUC (Kiribati United Church).  Anyway, he said that he couldn't come back because he has a job in the KUC.... And yeah...  we didn't agree too much... so, we explained that he just needed to pray and read the scriptures sincerely and that it was all up to him.  I am not sure that he will return, but I am quite sure that he felt the spirit.  That is what is important. That is what I am realizing is our job, to make sure that everyone can feel the power of the spirit because then they will want to feel it more.  When we do things that invite that feeling -- prayer, reading the scriptures, coming to church, etc. -- we are converted.  Then we can be baptized, go to the temple, and quite literally live happily ever after.  Seeing as we live happily ever after this life. :)

Thanks for all that you do! Thanks for your examples!!!  Have a great a new year. Set new goals!  Go, fight, win!  You are all amazing!  Love you!

Hurrah for Israel!
Love you all!
Elder Weenig

In the office with Elder Sheffield

Preparation day --  Sister Moungatonga-Fowler and Elder Butcher

District Meeting in Betio District... We had a potluck breakfast. :)

Having a burger at the airport with Elder Sheffield while we wait for missionaries to come in from outer islands.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

This week was great!  We had a great lesson with te Iotebwa.  He has tons of questions and refuses to believe the Book of Mormon.... Which makes no sense because he believes the priesthood holders handbook.... But anyway, he said he had prayed about the book and had not gotten an answer that it was right.  Anyway, tem Bore, a recent convert, came to the lesson and bore his testimony.  Iotebwa then said he got his answer! Whoot!  I suppose people just need to see that the gospel is not just something that weird, well-dressed young adults go around telling people.  People just need to see that it is real and that other people believe it too. (Subtle way to say to do member missionary work, hint hint.... cough cough... :) )

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Anyway, life is great!  Love you all so much!  You are the greatest! I love you all and pray for you all!  Hope that all is going well! Life is short, make the most of it!  Seize the day!  Today is the day!

Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Weenig

Caroling to Elder and Sister Hansen.  (Elders Dale, Schoeny, Weenig, Sheffield, Murri and Barker)

Christmas Dinner

Best Christmas gift -- Skyping with Elder Weenig