This past week, I had the opportunity to go on splits with Elder Bataua to visit the elders serving on the island of Butaritari -- which is known for having a great amount of bananas. Elder Bataua has family on that island and they gave him three bunches of bananas. So delicious. Bananas here are small and delicious! :) It was great. It also rained there almost the entire time. It was nice and cool. Elder Bordinko is one of the elders serving there, he kept saying that "we can learn something new everyday" and he worked very hard. I liked his thought that we can all learn something new everyday. Elder Pugliani is the other elder serving there. I was impressed that as our dinner appointment time was coming up, he used up every moment of time to work. As we were walking, he said, "Three more houses, that's my goal." I like that he set goals and strove to accomplish them. That's what I learned from them.
One of our investigators is nei Teoti. She is great. We tracted her at her store on the way home from a dinner appointment (our dinners are at about 8:00, so they are our last appointment) and she accepted lessons. Her husband is a less active. We plan to teach her the Plan of Salvation tonight.
This week in my study, I realized that I need to be a closer friend with Christ. My companion, Elder Morphonios, is amazing and is a great friend. Having him as my friend is great, and I realized that I want to develop a stronger friendship with Christ. In the hymn, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives," Christ is described as our friend. I know He is a friend to me, but I want to be a better friend to him.
Life is great. The church is real. I know that Christ lives.
Have a spectacular week!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Sunset on Butaritari Island |
Elder Bataua and I on the airplane from Butaritari to Tarawa |
Dinner at a recent convert's house with Elder Morphonios |