Monday, August 27, 2018

Life Is Great!

Dear Family! (both biological and like spiritually-biological... I guess that is called spiritological.... or something similar) :)

Life is great!  'nough said. :) But really, it is amazing!  I love it!  

Here are the reasons:

1. My companion is Elder Fifita. He is amazing!  I am learning so much from him!  It is spectacular!  He is so optimistic and happy and outgoing!  Every day is fantastic. I am so grateful I have been given the opportunity to work with him. Imagine the perfect missionary and you have pretty much got a good picture of Elder Fifita.

2. The work is great.  We are trying to work more with members. And we are trying to be Preach My Gospel missionaries.. So we just do what Preach My Gospel says and miracles happen.  It is the greatest!  This work is so real.  The world is so ready!   People not only need the gospel, they want the gospel!   Being a missionary is the best thing ever!  Missionary Work is the best!  I love it.  I recommend it to all you all.  Feeling down? Then maybe a little dose of missionary work is just what you need. :)  

3. My family and friends are the greatest!

4.  God is good.  He is real.  He is really there.

One important thing that I studied this week:  we are all sons and daughters of the Most High King. We are good. Satan tries to trick us into thinking otherwise. We are NOT to let him trick us into thinking that we are not good enough or that we are failing or that we are anything other than a loved child of God.  I think that information is the most important. We need only remember our own identity and then life gets so much easier.  We know what to do.  We don't feel stressed.  Yep.  That is a lesson I learned this week, from studies and whatnot.  Love you all! Keep on being the amazing people that you all are!

It's a great day to be a missionary!
Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig

With Elder Fifita and Elder Hansen (senior couple missionary) in the office

Cactus!  Whoot!  This is the only cactus I have seen on the islands.