Life is great! Isn't it?! By definition life is a blessing from God. (See Preach My Gospel, Lesson 1, Section 1: God is Our Loving Heavenly Father) It's pretty amazing, right?
Anyway, this week was great. Lots of good things.
1. We were in the office working on transfers, which is an exciting experience in and of its self, when a man that we did not know walked in. He was holding our car key... I got really confused because we hadn't given our car key away to anyone. He explained that a child had found it on the ground and brought it to a house. They pointed over to our truck, some person recognized that the truck was ours and so they walked into our office and handed us the key. The Lord watches over us. He is real and He loves us. He provides us with lots of tender mercies.
2. Transfers - They are directed by the Spirit. It is amazing. This is the Lord's work. That reminds me: as Elder Fifita and I were talking about fellowship for our people and also the fellowship for the other missionaries in the mission, and we came up with the phrase that "This is not our work, it is not the ward's work, it is the Lord's work." It is all the work of the Lord. Is is His Work and His Glory, we are all just so lucky to be instruments in His hands.
3. I know that the Spirit guides us. Promptings are real. This week I have felt great as I followed the Lord's promptings and I have also noticed the regret that comes from not following promptings. I am coming to realize more and more how REAL the Spirit is. HE is real. He is awesome! I leads us to do what is right. He speaks to our minds and our hearts. We can all be lead by the Holy Ghost. We are all promised His companionship in our baptismal covenant.
Kobaia and Rengata are doing great. Our ward does daily exercise in the morning. Kobaia has been coming and he looks great. They are a great, happy couple. They are always together now, before Kobaia started to change, Rengata said very unhappy things to him. It is great to see the blessings that comes from the gospel. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ blesses families. The family is ordained of God. It is the most important social unit in time and all eternity.
For studies, I am going through Chapter 3 in Preach My Gospel and writing down the doctrines for each section. It helps me understand and apply what I say I believe. I hope to better study, believe, love, live, and teach the doctrines contained in Preach My Gospel by more thoroughly studying Chapter 3. I love it, and I recommend it. I am working on developing my faith in each of the doctrines - through prayer and study. I know that Christ lives. He is my Redeemer. He is my Savior.
I love you all!
Thank you for all that you do!
It's a great day to be a missionary!
Elder Weenig