Saturday, October 15, 2016

Week Two in the MTC

Howdy friends and family!

I love you all so much!  I can definitely feel your prayers uplifting me and sustaining me!  I always thought it was weird when people would say that, but it is real.  I can be on the verge of mental chaos, when suddenly the Spirit comforts me and the language actually makes sense.  It is great!!

The MTC is amazing... Contrary to my thoughts the first couple of days.... :)  I have learned so much and I can feel the Holy Spirit so much!!!  God uplifts and sustains us here, otherwise there would be no way to make it through.  I have learned how to humble myself in sincere prayer and study.  I have come to love God as He is our loving Heavenly Father!

Elder David A. Bednar came to speak to us on Tuesday night for a devotional.  He taught us how to study and teach.  Look for the principle, look for the invitation to act, and then look for the promised blessings - and he said that the promised blessings are really promised to us!!!  They will come to pass. Also, I got to sing in the choir. Whoot.

We also got to watch one of Elder Bednar's past devotionals on Sunday.  It is called the Character of Christ.  He said that the character of Christ is to turn outward, not inward.  My mission is not about learning a language or fulfilling a priesthood duty, it is to serve others and truly caring for them.  I loved his devotional so much!!!  He also said that when we take notes, we should write down the notes that the spirit prompts us with - not just what the speaker is saying.  AH, I want to write so much more about his talk, it was amazing!!! However, I am out of time, so I must go.

The church is true, the gospel is real, the prophets will lead us to truth, God loves us, I love Him, and I love you all!!!

I love and pray for you!!!

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Weenig

A blessing to run into good friends (Maile Fisher and Madalyn Udall)
 at the Provo Temple (Thanks for the pic Madalyn).