Friday, October 21, 2016

MTC = Utopia

Howdy friends and family,

Well, I would compare the MTC to a Utopian society.  Yet, despite what all of the books on the AP reading list say, this utopia does not end in nuclear warfare.  It is great!  I have learned a lot and am growing very much!

On Sunday, we had a devotional, Vai Sikahema came to speak to us.  He talked about using our influence for good and to bring others to the gospel.  I really liked how he said that we could talk to people everywhere and invite them to Christ in both our actions and our words.  It was a great talk.

On Tuesday, we had another devotional (if you can't tell, devotionals are my favorite part of the MTC... aside from sand volleyball.... :)  ). Lynn G. Robbins and Jan Robbins spoke to us.  They said that developing Christ-like attributes is the most important thing that we can do as people and as missionaries. (It is chapter six in Preach My Gospel)  I am trying to work on becoming more Christ-like, and I know that through prayer and sincere effort, we can all become more truly like Christ.

The gospel is true.  God is real.  Christ truly died for us and loves us.

Keep the faith!
Hurrah for Israel!

Love you all!
Elder Weenig

Our District

Look who I ran into -- Elder (Kai) Barlow

Laundry time