Sunday, November 20, 2016


Howdy!!  So, I only have like five minutes, so this will be brief.

I am on Abemama.  It is the best!!!  We have fans in our house - which is half of a cinder block hut.

We have a bucket for a shower.... And we get to filter our water, which is great. :)

Food: water (actually sugar water, they put in sugar to hide the taste), rice, noodles, and fish.  I did have bread for one meal.  The food is pretty good.  Except the canned ham.  That is evil....

We run three different sacrament meetings. (About 85 people came this Sunday) So, that is our entire Sunday.  It is awesome here.  I love it.

Sorry that this is so short, the internet is down except in a building... We are borrowing a worker's computer for a bit.

Thank you for everything. Tell everyone that I love them so much!!!!


Elder Weenig
Waiting to board the plane in Salt Lake City

Grateful to receive an email from President Larkin along with this picture which includes President and Sister Larkin "... Elder Weenig, arrived safely in Tarawa...Elder Weenig has been assigned to his trainer, Elder Kennedy, and they will serve on an outer island called Abemama which is located in the central islands of Kiribati...."