Friday, November 11, 2016

Week Six - Final Week at the MTC


Wow!!! It is going by sooo fast here in the MTC.  I will be leaving for Kiribati next Tuesday.  So I am getting ready for that.  It is all coming up so quickly.  I am excited to go out and serve!

Soup box moment:  Our new President of the U. S. is a touch (more than a touch) ... different ... but that does not mean that we should not support him.  Remember that it is the people of the nation, not the president that dictates that future of our country.  "government BY the people, FOR the people, and OF the people"  Lots of peoples in that statement!  Food for thought.

I know that this gospel is true and real!!  Jenny Oaks Baker came to speak to us on Sunday!  It was great!!!!  She spoke on the power of prayer and how if we seek to be more exactly obedient to the will of the Lord, He will bless us.  The Lord has given us everything!  The only thing we can give to Him that He hadn't already is our agency.  Give our will to His will.  I know that He will lead us to do right!!!

I love you all!!!  I hope you are loving life!  Keep the faith and let's build Zion!

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Weenig
Brother and Sister Heward - Sister Heward is the seminary secretary at Timpanogos. They are in my branch presidency at the MTC.