Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Joy in All Things

Howdy Y'all!

I hope that all is well back in America - or where ever you all might be. :)  I am doing great! It is always great to be a missionary.  It is because we have the opportunity to give all our time to the Lord. It is amazing!  I am very thankful for the opportunity to serve a mission.

Well,  it has been a good week.  We just got the new schedule for the missionaries.  It is great!  It makes it so we can adjust our schedule more to the needs of the day.  It is nice because there are times that are less productive for proselyting that we can move our study time too.  I am grateful that the Lord provided us with a new way to do our studies.

I learned how to make Breadfruit Soup.  That was amazing.  Yummy and quick.  It was very fun!  I would love to make it all for you when I return.... Someone just needs to plant a coconut tree and a breadfruit tree right now, so that we will have the resources there in America.... :)

People here are amazing!  There are so many that are willing to listen to the gospel.  There is one sister, Maraea, she is progressing very well.  She follows through with all her commitments and she comes back to her house for our appointments.... Most people don't even remember the appointments.  She is amazing!  I am so glad that we have the opportunity to lesson with her!  She is truly amazing!  I am glad for her efforts!

One thing that I think is beautiful about the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can feel joy in all things.  Our trials help us grow, so we should celebrate those.  The commandments are always accompanied with blessings. It is truly amazing!  I have been working on being more joyful. I think that everything that God created -- everything -- is things that he finds joy in.  I think it is important to find joy in everything.  I also believe that Christ was a joyful person.  I added it to the Christlike attributes section of my Preach My Gospel.  
I hope that one day I can find joy in all things. Including mosquitoes.... :) 

I love you all so much!   One other awesome story is the story of Captain Moroni and the Standard of Liberty!  It is found in Alma 46. I love that so much!  It is amazing how strong his faith was.  I want faith like his.  Faith and courage in the Lord.

I love you all!  I know this church is true!  I know that God is real and that He loves us!  I love you all!  Thank you for everything!  You are all in my prayers! Keep the faith!

Love you!
Thank you!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig

With Elder Dale (Mesa, Arizona)

Cool shipwreck.  At high tide, it is covered in water.

Octopus that is drying -- luckily, even though we see it everywhere, we
very rarely have to eat octopus.


No barber on the island ... so ... I gave myself a haircut. I made a point not to take a picture of the back. :)

Elder Dale and I charging the computer that we use for email