I hope that you all doing well! You are such fine, great people! You all deserve to be happy all of the time, and I truly hope and pray that you all are! One thing that I have been learning to apply is that we decide how happy we want to be and then we act on that. If our happiness is based on external forces, it is not going to last. The only lasting happiness is the gospel of Christ. If we decide to follow the teachings of Christ, we will be happy. I know that it is true. Hard at times, but true.
Well, this week we had transfers - which was a bit of a fiasco. We almost didn't have a plane for Elder Kennedy to get off of the island. We had to keep going to the airport to check his flight and whatnot a lot. But it all worked out. It was a miracle. God helps us get through. He will help us when we do as He wants us to. Elder Kennedy left on Thursday and my new companion came on Friday, so I was able to work with Elder Jubeck and Elder Johnson for a day. It was great! Yep. Quite enjoyable. They are all great elders.
My new companion is. .... drum roll, please .... thank you ... Elder Dale. He is from Mesa, Arizona. He has worked on Kirimati Island (Christmas Island) for four months. So, he has been out a bit longer than I, but he is great at speaking the language. It is very impressive. I hope that I am able to improve to be that great. We have spent the past few days introducing him to all of our members and investigators. It has been great! I am very glad that I get to work with him.
A few facts about Abemama: Everyone here is Christian, either Catholic or Protestant. I would say that it is an even split between them both. All the religions do family home evening, which is cool. Favorite aspect is that they are so giving and kind. For money, everyone sells coconuts -- they cut them open, dry them and sell them to the government. The government sells them to big companies -- beauty companies, etc.... Some have large families, it is about the same as Utah. We ration our Books of Mormon because they are always in short supply... I don't know why that is a thing.... Things mostly shut down once it gets dark, but usually we have a dinner from 7 to 8 and then we bike home from 8 to 9.
Well, one thing I have been thinking a lot about is prayer. God hears and answers our prayers. He has commanded us to continually pray - out loud and in our hearts. (Alma 34:17-28) I think that that is so amazing! God loves us so much that He wants us to always talk to Him. Then He gives us blessings for doing it. It is amazing! My favorite is that we can pray to overcome the devil - to overcome temptations. If we stay strong in our prayers to overcome temptation, we will be blessed. It is amazing! Truly. Through our prayers for help, we will receive the strength and power to overcome the power of the devil. (Read Alma 31:10 and the situation around it, it is amazing!)
I love you all! You are all such great supports to me! I am so grateful that I get work out here on Abemama, Kiribati. It is wonderful. I know that the Lord blesses me and all of you! I love you all and pray for you! Hope that you are all well! Keep up the great work! I hope you all are loving your Zion in America - or where ever else you happen to be. :)
I tangiriko. Ngkoe, ko bon te tina ae moan te tikiraoi. (I love you. You are truly the greatest.)
Thank you all!
Love you!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Love you!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
The cake we made for Elder Kennedy leaving. At Christmas time, I went to a store in Tarawa called i-Mart. They have cake mix and icing mix. So, I brought those to the island. |
Our ride to the airport at 4:00 a.m. |
Ti a bo, Elder Kennedy. (Good bye, Elder Kennedy) |
With Elder Jubeck. Eating a rare specimen called ICE CREAM. |