Monday, March 6, 2017

First week on Tarawa

Howdy to all y'all!

I hope and pray that you are all well where ever you all may be!  You are all the greatest people in the world!  I hope you all know that! One thing that I learned this week is that we are always an example to other people -- we just choose what kind of example we are going to be (a good one or a bad one).

Well, this week I was transferred to Tarawa.  My new area is amazing!  I am in the Temaiku 2nd Branch.  I worked here during Christmas, so I already knew some of the people.  We had all three hours of church!!!! WHOOT! The branch runs by itself.  I did get to bear my testimony on member missionary work to testify that members need to be super involved in every single baptism.  There a great number of people who are ready to hear the gospel! I hope we truly 
invite the Spirit into their lives so that they are truly converted and that they stay strong. There are lots of converts, but also lots of less actives.  That is why it is so important to have member missionaries in every investigator's progression to baptism. It is fun to be able to work here, and I am so truly happy that I am able to serve the people in Temaiku.  My new companion is Elder Miller and he is a district leader.  He is great! He has lots of energy and is amazing at speaking the language. Transfer is great! 

Anyway, it was a good week.  I just ate a cone of ice cream.  Yum. Tarawa has sooooo much cargo.   It is crazy....

Our apartment is a cinder block building with a fridge! WHOOT! A cooking thing, and a shower - no hot water, but a SHOWER!  And a toilet!  I am living in luxury. :) Plus, we have a nice ocean breeze.

What I learned from my study this week:  the war chapters of Alma are literally a representation of our spiritual war with Satan.  If we are strong, and we try, and we prepare continually, we will overcome and overpower Satan.  It is through our faith and our righteousness that we maintain our freedom of choice and our joy.  It is amazing!  But if we are complacent and we don't try and we turn away for God, the source of all truth and joy and power, then we fall.  They are amazing scriptures.  Lots of symbolism and representation in them.  I love the scriptures, there are so many precious things in them!

I love you all!  I know that the gospel is true and real!  I know that God lives and loves us all! You are the greatest. Go out and serve Him!

Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Every member a missionary!
Elder Weenig

Farewell party with Elder Dale and Elder Jubeck