Monday, March 13, 2017


Howdy everyone!

Well, I hope you all had as wonderful of a week as I have had.  It was great.  Lots of people that we are able to meet with and preach the gospel.  And I got ice cream... :)

Anyway, Temaiku is amazing!  I love it!  My companion, Elder Miller, is great!  We are working with several people (Teitiaki and a couple, Tetabo and Teiabuea) to be baptized.  They will be baptized this Saturday.  They are all doing great!  There are also a good deal of other people that are all progressing very well towards baptism.  This area is just filled with prepared people!  It is amazing!  We are really hoping that we can prepare the groundwork for a ward and then a stake can be formed.  Kiribati just needs two more stakes and then it can qualify for a temple to be built on it!  Whoot!  I cannot even imagine the blessings and joy that a temple would bring to this country.  I hope we are able to get more people and more people to come unto Christ and then to stay with Him and help build His kingdom. 

One lesson that I learned this week is that prayer is the greatest thing in the entire world.  We are literally speaking with our Heavenly Father.  He will answer our prayers.  Then we can apply his answers into our lives.  It is amazing!  I am amazed at how much the Lord gives us.  He gives us all, and we give so little. He truly is our father, our parent, in heaven.  How wonderful is it that we can talk to Him, an all-powerful, all-loving, all-knowing personage, whenever and whereever we want.  It is wonderful.  I love prayer and I testify that it is real.

I love you all!  Keep the faith!  You are all amazing, strong spirit children of Heavenly Father!  I love you all and pray for you!  Hope you are all well!  Keep up the great work!

Love you!
Pray hard!
Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Weenig