Well, this week was exciting! I was able to go on a split every day. Except Tuesday, I went on an exchange with none other than Elder Bollin, who is from my MTC intake. It was great! Anyway, the elders from Kuria are staying at our house. They came in to speak with the president and will be here for a week before they fly out. So, they have been going on splits with Elder Miller and I. It has been great. Lots of fun. One of them is younger than me in the mission, so I was the senior companion. Fun, right?! It was actually an amazing experience. I loved it. I felt the Spirit guide me and was able to see more fully God's hand in the work. Things from lessons falling through, but then us being able to find people that really wanted to hear the gospel, to us walking home a different way and being able to see our investigators and a few less actives, and remind them about lessons and church and what not. It was great!
Well, this past Saturday was great! We had three of the people we have the opportunity to lesson with be baptized. Teneneari and Rutieta are in their twenties and are friends. They live at the same house. Their testimonies are strong. Rutieta has almost finished the Book of Mormon! It is amazing!!! I am so glad we were able to lesson with them. :) It made me so happy! :) The other person that was baptized was Reitaake. She is in her thirties and she is amazing! She has great friends that were baptized last year by Elder Kennedy (my trainer). It is great to see how much they have helped her come unto Christ. I am very grateful for their faith and for their testimonies! They are such amazing people! I love them!
Also, fun story. One of the senior couples came to our church for meetings on Sunday. I translated for the elder during priesthood meeting. It is amazing to see how much the Lord helps us through the gifts of the spirit -- for example, the gift of tongues. I am grateful for the Lord and His blessings for us. I know that he gives them to us all -- we only need look for them.
I am very grateful that I am able to serve my mission here in Kiribati. I am grateful that I am able to see the kindness and faith of the people here. They truly believe. They do not have any doubts. I love that about them. Faith is such an essential part of all of our lives. It is amazing how much faith can help us to overcome all things and to do all things. I know that faith is real, that it is true, and that it helps us. Faith is the key to happiness -- the pure joy that comes from our Savior, who is Jesus Christ.
I know that the gospel is real, that the Lord loves us and helps us. I know that the Lord answers are prayers and that He supports us. I know that the Lord never abandons us. He is truly our loving, kind, perfect Father in Heaven. I know these things are true in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Love you all!
Keep the faith - stay strong in it!
Keep on being amazing!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig