Monday, April 10, 2017

Daily Splits -- Part Two

Howdy y'all!

I hope all is well with you. :)

Well, this week the daily splits continued.  It was good.  It is interesting to see other people's teaching styles.  I was also able to work with Elder Bollin again.  It was very fun.  He is from my intake and so it was fun to work with him and to see how far we have come.

This week was exciting.  We accomplished a great deal.  I am very grateful for how willing the people are to help out with the work.  It has been a great week.

We had district meeting. We do it entirely in the Kiribati language.  This week I was able to understand everything and participate, whoot!  It was a good day. 

We have been doing recent convert lessons a lot lately.  It is great to see how much the people have changed from the first time we taught the lessons to the second time.  They have a light in their eyes.  They are joyful and receptive and have a greater capacity to learn.  It is great!  The gospel is real and truly changes people.

I am grateful to serve in Kiribati.  I am grateful for the gospel.  I am grateful for the Lord Jesus Christ!

Love you all! Stand strong in the faith! Reread and relisten to General Conference, if you can.  It is amazing to see the promised blessings in each of the talks.  If we remember that those blessings apply personally to us, it is amazing how much more our desire increases to apply the words spoken there.

Love you all!  Thank you for being great examples!

Love you!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig

Baptism - Teneneari, Reitaake, Rutieta

Elder Miller and I in the woods

Puppies!!!  The dog next to  us just had ten puppies!  Whoot!

Elder Bollin and I on the road