Monday, June 19, 2017

Bonus Week on Tarawa


I hope you all had a good week sharing the gospel, keep it up!  You are all amazing! :)

My transfer flight to Tabiteuea was delayed until tomorrow. So I was able to spend an extra week on Tarawa.  I will serve in Tabiteuea North - abbreviated Tab North.  And yep, that is the correct spelling. :)  So, even though I love you all and would love to send an email to y'all each week, I will be out of internet service.  At least that is what I have been told. But we will see. My new companion will be Elder Peterson, from Utah.

This past week I worked in Abatao and Tabiteuea (name of a city, not the island that I am going to).  I worked with Elder Pratt, from West Lake, Utah.  He is great.  It is a fun place to work, because we live in a different area.  We bike to the cities.  To get to them we either have to take a canoe across or, if it is too shallow, carry our bikes across.  It was fun. We actually had a senior couple come to our church on Sunday and they waded across.  They are awesome!

It was cool that I got to meet one of our recent convert's moms. (Teneneari's mom)  She is taking lessons now too, cool, right?!

Anyway,  my spiritual thought is this:  the Atonement is all powerful and encompassing.  It can bring us back from ANYTHING!!  We are never too far gone.  I recommend reading the Infinite Atonement.  I know that the Atonement is real and true and it will help us through

Love you all so much!  I am praying for you all!

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig

Our Branch President, President Akeriba, and his wife (Temaiku 2nd)
Carrying our bikes across to Abatao. (With Elder Pratt)

Farewell dinner with Saki - he is our Figian investigator 
New haircut - I didn't cut it this time :)...  I am next to Elder
Tomlinson, he is one of the older elders in the mission, he is
awesome.  We are in the computer lab at Moroni High School.
Zone Conference - I am standing next to Elder Miller, my
former companion.  Next to him is Elder Guy - my old house mate and it
was his birthday that day.  Behind him is Elder Hilliard - another old
house mate who I would run with in the mornings.

Elder Pratt and I on "broken bridge"