I hope you all had a good week sharing the gospel, keep it up! You are all amazing! :)
My transfer flight to Tabiteuea was delayed until tomorrow. So I was able to spend an extra week on Tarawa. I will serve in Tabiteuea North - abbreviated Tab North. And yep, that is the correct spelling. :) So, even though I love you all and would love to send an email to y'all each week, I will be out of internet service. At least that is what I have been told. But we will see. My new companion will be Elder Peterson, from Utah.
This past week I worked in Abatao and Tabiteuea (name of a city, not the island that I am going to). I worked with Elder Pratt, from West Lake, Utah. He is great. It is a fun place to work, because we live in a different area. We bike to the cities. To get to them we either have to take a canoe across or, if it is too shallow, carry our bikes across. It was fun. We actually had a senior couple come to our church on Sunday and they waded across. They are awesome!
It was cool that I got to meet one of our recent convert's moms. (Teneneari's mom) She is taking lessons now too, cool, right?!
Anyway, my spiritual thought is this: the Atonement is all powerful and encompassing. It can bring us back from ANYTHING!! We are never too far gone. I recommend reading the Infinite Atonement. I know that the Atonement is real and true and it will help us through
Love you all so much! I am praying for you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Our Branch President, President Akeriba, and his wife (Temaiku 2nd) |
Carrying our bikes across to Abatao. (With Elder Pratt) |
Farewell dinner with Saki - he is our Figian investigator |
New haircut - I didn't cut it this time :)... I am next to Elder Tomlinson, he is one of the older elders in the mission, he is awesome. We are in the computer lab at Moroni High School. |
Elder Pratt and I on "broken bridge" |