Monday, June 12, 2017



Sorry, I will be brief.  Time is of the essence... And is short... I don't know if essence is short or not... Food for thought... :)

Well, this week was great. I really enjoyed it.  It was my last full week in Temaiku.  I will move to Tabiteuea. It is an outer island without internet.  So that will be exciting.  I will definitely write letters and everything.  I love you all so much!

I have loved Temaiku and will miss it. I am grateful for the church.  I know that it is true and that it helps everyone everywhere.  It is amazing how much we can help a person grow and progress just by showing them the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is amazing how much we can improve when we truly apply the gospel into our lives.  I am amazed and very happy that it is in my life.

I love you all and pray for you all!  My challenge to everyone this week is to share the gospel with one person -- member or nonmember.  Truly share the pure doctrine of the Lord's Gospel - faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring  to the end.  Especially, the last one.

Hope you all got a chance to see or attend the temple this week!  Love you all!

Love you all!
Stand strong!
Hurrah for Isreal!
Elder Weenig

Teneneari's and Rutieta's family -we had dinner with them

After our Less Active Blitz with the YSA
 (we went and tried to find less actives in our area so that we can better start home teaching and whatnot)

Breakfast at Nei Taaua's house.  She is an RM and is great.  It was fun.
 One of our recent converts, Teruatabu is in the picture.