Sorry, I will be brief. Time is of the essence... And is short... I don't know if essence is short or not... Food for thought... :)
Well, this week was great. I really enjoyed it. It was my last full week in Temaiku. I will move to Tabiteuea. It is an outer island without internet. So that will be exciting. I will definitely write letters and everything. I love you all so much!
I have loved Temaiku and will miss it. I am grateful for the church. I know that it is true and that it helps everyone everywhere. It is amazing how much we can help a person grow and progress just by showing them the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is amazing how much we can improve when we truly apply the gospel into our lives. I am amazed and very happy that it is in my life.
I love you all and pray for you all! My challenge to everyone this week is to share the gospel with one person -- member or nonmember. Truly share the pure doctrine of the Lord's Gospel - faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Especially, the last one.
Hope you all got a chance to see or attend the temple this week! Love you all!
Love you all!
Stand strong!
Hurrah for Isreal!
Elder Weenig
Teneneari's and Rutieta's family -we had dinner with them |
After our Less Active Blitz with the YSA (we went and tried to find less actives in our area so that we can better start home teaching and whatnot) |
Breakfast at Nei Taaua's house. She is an RM and is great. It was fun. One of our recent converts, Teruatabu is in the picture. |