Monday, November 13, 2017

Mission Tour


Well, this week was amazing!  We had our Mission Tour.  It was exciting!  Elder Ardern of the Seventy came to speak to us.  He spoke at the last General Conference. He gave great lessons.  He spoke on using Preach My Gospel everyday.  He also spoke a lot on the power of the Book of Mormon to convert people.  It was amazing!  It was really fun, because we, the Zone Leaders, Sister Training Leaders and the Assistants to the President, got to do a Mission Leadership Council meeting with him. He taught us our roles, helped us form a list of attributes for our culture, and how to use our planners. It was amazing.  I loved his training.  I really loved how well he and his wife taught together.  Usually the man talks a lot and then the woman shares a tiny bit and sits back down, but these two were like missionary companions -- they switched off frequently and were a team.  It was awesome.  I want to teach more like that with my companions in the mission.  I loved the conference. :) We helped bus everyone there.  It was fun. :)

Transfer: So Elder Veresoni flew out to Washington Island in Kiritmati.  So that is cool.  He is amazing.  I have a new companion now, Elder Steven Sheffield!  He is from Lindon, Utah, and we went to the same Junior High School -- Oak Canyon.  Cool, right?  And yep, we did know each other before the mission.  He is amazing and is going to be an great companion. We just became companions today.  So, it will be exciting. :)

I am grateful to work as a missionary of the Lord.  We are focusing on acting more like messengers of the Lord would act. Life is good.  Life is great.  Life is short.  I hope we all appreciate it for what is worth.  I know that today is the day to change and repent. (Alma 34:31) Today is the day to be happy. (2 Nephi 2:25)  We can seize the day if we wake up happy (Alma 37:37 -- let your heart be full of thanks to God).  Today is the day.  Seize it.

I love you all! Thank you for everything you all do! I love and pray for you!  Hope all is well!

Love you!
Go, fight, win! (remembering that life is a constant fight with Satan. :) )
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig

He hasn't been able to send pictures because the computer they use has viruses and he is afraid it will delete his card.  Fun to find these pics on the mission Facebook page.
Zone Conference