Monday, November 27, 2017

Thanksgiving and a Baptism


This week was great. We had Thanksgiving and a baptism.  So, for Thanksgiving -- we ate dinner as a district. Elder Sheffield and I cooked the turkey, and other people in the district brought other foods.  It was really fun.  We ate in the high council room at the Stake Center, so it even had a big long table.  I liked it.  We had turkey, potatoes, corn, rolls, jello, salad, fruit... It was a lot.  It required people to give a bit from their packages from home and also a lot of luck when we went shopping in Betio (the place with the most variety of cargo). It was great.  It was very fun. :) There are 12 of us in our district.

The baptism.  It went well.  We had a good turn out and he, Panette Naatua, was very excited.  He is a nine year old and his family is preparing to go to the temple.  We are excited for them.  They are such a delightful family.  I am glad for them.

Also, Timon and Iotebwa both came to church this past week. Whoot! I am excited for them. They are progressing very well towards baptism! They are the first investigators that I have seen a great change in their countenances. They look happier. They are changed by the Lord's words.

Work is going great.  We are working on doing better studies because a major focus of our mission tour was to become Master Gospel Teachers and to study well.  We need to take care of our own souls before we try and help others with theirs.  I like that lesson.  We need to help ourselves before others. Otherwise, we are not being responsible. It is not selfish, it is a must.  We need to help ourselves, so we can help others. Learn ourselves, so that we can teach others.  It is great. :)

Well, love you all!  Hope that all is well.  Keep the faith!

Thank you!  Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig

Elder Sheffield and I with Panette Naatua and his family
 No one is ready, but they are all smiling, something they would not do when posing for the picture.... :) So, yeah, this is just to show you all that they are not angry people.
The Feast

Thanksgiving with my district