Hope you are all well and living. Happy Christmas season to all y'all!
This week went very well. We had Zone Conference and a new intake of missionaries came in. It was exciting.
I am grateful for this week, it has been great. We gave the training at Zone Conference. We taught on teaching in unity as a companionship and using the Book of Mormon earlier and more often in teaching. It went well. Elder Sheffield is great fun to teach with. We now carry a Book of Mormon in our hands where ever we go, so that if we have a street contact or we tract a house, we have a Book of Mormon ready to give to them. That book is true. It is real. It is good. I am grateful the Lord has blessed us with this book. It is His book.
Timon and Iotebwa are doing great! Iotebwa came to church, Timon didn't because he was sick. Timon is going to be interviewed this Saturday for baptism. He is awesome. :)
I went on an exchange with Elder Holbrook. He is from Alpine. He is great!
So, a quote to share with you all: "Satan don't kick no dead dogs." It is from the talk "The Mortal Christ" given by Jack R. Christianson. Satan fights against us. So, when life seems hard and light-less, that is only because Satan sees us as a threat. Kind of a cool thought, right? Satan's kingdom can totally be shaken by the voice and faith of one person. Just so long as that person's faith is in the One, which is Christ. Anyway, that is my small thought. Keep on pressing on, keep on being amazing! You are all rock solid. We are all rock solid. We chose to come here and we agreed to come here at this time and in this place. We are extraordinary sons and daughters of the Most High. We are important, we are needed, and we are essential to the Lord's plan.
Thank you for all you all do! Hope that you are all enjoying life -- remembering that "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25). Hope you are all having a joyful time this Christmas season. Let's all remember the reason for the season!
Love you all!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Elder Rowsell transferred to my homeland, Abemama |
Sending Elders off to Christmas Island |