Monday, October 9, 2017

General Conference


And yep, I recognize that the title of my email is probably the exact same as 70,000 other missionaries.... :) But creativity requires effort.  If anyone wants a cool name for it, use Maungatabu -- that is the Kiribati word for General Conference.

Well, love you all!  This week was remarkable.  I will get down to explaining why it was such a great week: GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!

Aren't we so lucky that we get to hear the words of the Lord through His prophets each six months?!  I hope that we are more like the pioneers who accepted the words of the Lord to the fullest of their understanding. I hope that we don't act as other peoples in the past (Nephites, Lamanites, or Jews) that had the prophets among them, but did not hear their words.  I know that General Conference is real.  Their words are real. Their talks are real.  Their testimonies are real.  Their promises are real!  They are real, because they are not theirs, they are His.  I am coming to understand what it means when people say that the Lord will speak to us through the mouths of His holy prophets -- it means that He will.  If we come with a sincere heart, and a desire to be learned of God, we will be able to receive more light from on high.  I am grateful for the light that was poured out and illuminated the area around me so that I could see the answers to my questions.  I know that the Lord will answer our questions if we ask in faith.  I have asked Him questions before, but now I am learning to ask of Him with faith NOTHING wavering.  In the Infinite Atonement book by Tad R. Callister (the nice fellow, who gave a remarkable proof and testimony for the validity and absolute truthfulness of the Book of Mormon in the Sunday afternoon session of conference), it says that for us to understand the Atonement of Christ we must become like Joseph Smith -- master askers!  I believe that for us to receive answers to our personal questions, we need to learn to ask questions and act on what we are told. I want to work on this. Ask and he shall receive.

I have had a great week!  We are working to get new investigators. We are teaching a man named Iotebwa. He is great!  He is an old man. He even came to General Conference. We didn't see him, because he went to the other building which is way far away...(he didn't know where our church building was.... which is understandable, but also a bit funny seeing as there is only one road on the island, so just so long as you go in the direction of the building you are looking for, you cannot miss it....) But anyway, the moral of the story is that we are very glad that he came to General Conference, we have only been lessoning with him for a little over a week.

Love you all!  I want to write more, but my time is up! Keep on being amazing!  The church is true.  It is real.  I know these things are real!  In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Weenig