Our mission has a high baptismal goal and for us to reach it, we all need to get a high number of people to baptism before the end of the year. It has seemed out of reach, but I have come to realize that it is all in the state of mind. If I believe that I will be able to do it, I will be able to. There is a poem that says: "If you think
you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don't.... For out of the world we find, success begins with a fellow's will, it is all in the state of mind...." (I tried to do it from memory,..... Dear poet, forgive me for slaughtering your poem!) Anyway, the moral of the story is that if we dream big and work big we achieve big, if we dream small and work small we will reap small rewards.... And as a disciple of Christ it is always great to remember that in the Lord we can do all things through the Lord who strengthens us. Anyway, I am learning to shoot for the stars and then learning how to pack enough rocket fuel to make it there.
This week has been great. I am learning the area and the people. We are working on finding new people.
Being a zone leader, we get to do baptismal interviews for the district leaders. I love doing those interviews. I feel the Spirit so much, and the people are so determined to be baptized. I feel the gift of tongues come into effect more, as they all seem to more fully understand me when I speak. It makes me happy. I am glad to
have that opportunity.
For my study on Sunday, I did the Christlike Attribute survey at the back of PMG Chapter 6, Christlike Attributes. It was great. It helped me see where I need to improve. If any of you have a spare five minutes or so, it is definitely worth it. It was super helpful to me. I am grateful to have that as a resource.
Love you all so much! Keep on being amazing! You are all the greatest! I am so lucky to have family and friends like all you all! Press forward with faith. Hope for a better world. Smile today and tomorrow. That is the lesson I learned this week -- smiling is a choice. Smile. I am glad for it.
Love you!
This is the place - whatever place we happen to be in is the place.
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Lesson on the beach with Elder Veresoni |
Elder Peterson and I in Tab South. ... Rain storm |
Canoe across from Takuu with ten Baretoka |
Fishing with ten Biita - he is a less active in Tab South |
Dramatic fallen coconut tree... :) |
Tab South - Hurrah for Israel Jump ... :) |