Monday, October 16, 2017

Happy Fiji Day


Happy Fiji Day!  October 10th is Fiji Day.  It is like Independence Day, but for Fiji, cool, right?  My companion, Elder Veresoni is from Fiji.  It was a good day. We made a fancy dinner at home - courtesy of the "Just add boiling water" mashed potatoes that came from America (thank you family!).  It was fun. :)  Anyway, I hope you all had a fantastic Fiji day.

This week was great!  I am grateful for it.  A couple rough days where we did not get very much done and motivation was not at its peak... But it was great, because the past couple of days have been amazing -- great lessons, new people, all that good stuff.  This week is a proof that even though the sun doesn't shine super bright every moment of every day, it will always come back out.  I like that lesson -- yep, the knowledge that even though life can seem hard, the sun will come out tomorrow. :)  (the song from Annie begins to play in the background.)  Love you all! :)

I love being a missionary.  I love knowing that the Christ is my Lord and my Savior. I hope and pray not to lose sight of the knowledge of Christ and His Atonement and His Gospel.  Satan attempts continually to chip away at that knowledge and faith. I hope to keep it strong through increased faith in Christ -- prayer and study and fasting, a brighter hope, and truer charity.  Please don't lose sight of that bright and glorious light, which is Christ, our friend, our brother, our all.

Love you all!
Keep the Faith!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
One year mark party with my MTC intake (We had burgers and fries... Expensive, but yummy. :) )

Happy Fiji Day Meal (It was also Elder Schoeny's and Elder Rowsell's one year mark in Kiribati)
Haircut -- done by the one, the only, Elder Veresoni.  He is amazing!