Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Holy Ghost Testifies Clearly and Perfectly


This week has been great!  Having another set of missionaries on the island is great! Our week has been crazy because we have gone on splits to show them around the island and whatnot.  They will work on the south end of the island and we will work on the north end. We all still live in the same house, which is in the south, until ours is built in the north, so it is very crowded.:)  Also, Elder Kennedy went on a split with Elder Jubeck to Abatiku. (the small island off of Abemama) .  Apparently the entire island wants lessons over there.  It is awesome!!!  I am very glad that all is well over there.  I worked with Elder Johnson. He was great to work with.  It was fun to see his style of teaching.  It is very different from Elder Kennedy's.  It was cool to see the differences and combined them into my own teaching. :)

I was able to go on a split with Elder Jubeck for a day. He is as new as I am, so we had to rely completely on the Spirit.   A lot of our lessons fell through, but our final one was the most amazing thing ever!!!  It was with Tebetikai, a woman that has been cold to lessons in the past. But we were able to teach her and she loved it. She said she had had lessons before, but had not understood them.  But that she understood our lesson. She cried at the end of the lesson and was so happy. :) That is how I know that the Holy Spirit was there. Because she said it was very well explained - but only the Holy Ghost can testify clearly and perfectly to everyone.  He gave her the needed understanding.  I am grateful for that.  It was a wonderful experience.

Another highlight of the week is that we received a pan sent out from Tarawa!  Now we can cook if we don't have a meal provided. Whoot!! We almost always have meals, but it is nice to have the back up. :)

Our investigators are doing well.  A couple, Karabeia (teenage girl) and Tui (middle-age man) are progressing towards baptism.  There are a few that will follow closely after them.  I am happy for them. :)

Thank you for everything! 
I love you so much and pray for you daily! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!


Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Weenig