Monday, January 23, 2017

Trucks, Leadership and Goals

Howdy y’all!

This week was good.  It went in the blink of an eye.  For church, we hired trucks to bring people from both ends of the island to the center where our branch has a maneaba (pavilion). It was great.  It is our last week doing that because the mission wants the branches to be independent of the missionaries help.  Which is great!  The members here are mostly all new, so they just need to learn how to function the Kingdom of God, so that they can do it without outside aide.  It will be great!

Lesson of the week: Everyone needs to be a leader at some point.  As I have been the new, trainee, I have been the follower.  Following my trainer from lesson to lesson and while I teach, I mostly testify of the truthfulness of my companion's words - I hope they are true, I sometimes don't quite grasp the language completely. ;) But, this past week, due to companionship exchanges, I have had to take a leadership role in showing the new elders around.  It boosted my confidence.  It motivated me in my work.  It was great to be able to successfully meet and teach people.  I felt great!  I loved it!  Anyway, the best way to feel confident is to pray and then to do your best to follow the Spirit. That is what I have learned this past week.

 As a missionary, we focus a lot on goal setting.  It is great.  Another missionary, Elder Johnson, shared this way of goal setting with me, so I figured I would share it will you all:

1. Write down your Vision - overall, big picture of self or project.
2. Write down any obstacles that will prevent you from reaching that vision.  Be specific!
3. Write down SPECIFIC ways to overcome the obstacles.
4. Make a very detailed plan, using SMARTS:
    S - Specific
    M - Measurable
    A - Agreed upon with God (and companion if need be)
    R - Realistic
    T - Time Specific
    S - Stretches you to be better
5. Get to work!  Do it!  Get others to support you in the goal setting and achieving.

Yep,  I thought that was nice and helpful, so I thought I would share it.  Hope it helps at least one of you.

I know that the church is true and that through God we can do all. Through Christ and His Infinite Atonement, we can become greater than we can ever imagine.  I know that my Savior lives and that through Him I can do all things.  I testify of the power of prayer and the power of continually turning our minds and hearts towards God.  I testify that it is real - the gospel is real.  I know it.  I do my best to live it.  I love it.

Love you all!  You are all such remarkable, great people!  I know that you all have such a great influence on those around you!  You have all had a great influence on me!  I know that the world is a crazy place, and that things are crazy back in America, but I know that God sent each of us here at this time to the specific places He sent us, for a reason.  We can do so much in any place that we are in.  We can overcome.  You all can do this!  I love you!

Thank you for everything - your thoughts, prayers, friendship....everything!!! I love you all! Thanks!

The church is true!  Go team!

Love you!
Keep the faith!
Stay strong!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig