Sunday, January 8, 2017

Return to Abemama


I am back in Abemama!  With two new elders. Our house is very busy now.  Elder Jubeck and Elder Johnson. Elder Jubeck is from my MTC intake and Elder Johnson is one intake behind Elder Kennedy (about a year and a half).  They are both amazing and are truly consecrated missionaries.  I am so happy they will work on Abemama with Elder Kennedy and I.  It is going to be great!

Tarawa was great, but it is great to be back in Abemama and to have Abemamaian food.  In Tarawa, we only had three or four actual meals.  The rest was just bread.  The day we returned we were fed dinner at our first, second, and third lessons. :) The only two foods that I need to learn to like are:  sea worm and octopus.  I like the rest.  My favorite is fried breadfruit.

I am glad to be back to work. We should be able to teach more lessons now that our area is smaller -- less biking. :)  I hope and pray to improve and that the Holy Ghost will be my constant companion.  One thing that I have found, as I study in the morning is that a lot of the scriptures are addressed purely to the members of the church and to all people.  I read them as a missionary and see how very important they are, but I wish I had seen that before.  Every single scripture and every single word of every prophet applies to us personally.  To me personally.  I am so extremely glad for this time on my mission to learn the word of the Lord and learn to apply into my life by serving others and living the pure words of Christ.  His gospel is simple:  Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance, Baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.  I think we all make that too complicated. We just need to believe in Christ and obey His commandments.... And in return we receive eternal happiness and life.  It is a pretty good trade.  I like it. :)

Well, in news. Our branch president left, so we will get a new one soon.  My companion is the branch president until that time.  To correct something I said in a previous letter :  the fuel did not come from Fiji, the mission president had nothing to do with getting the fuel.... We asked and that is what we were told, but they told us over text message and the sarcasm did not come through with the text message.... So, I accidentally lied to you all. Sorry.  Anyway.  Life here is great!  Kiribati is amazing!  The people are so kind and loving and faithful.  They believe with every fiber of their being. It is amazing.

I love you all!  The Lord has given us a great work to do!  I know that through the Lord we can accomplish His work!   It is amazing to be in the service of God!  He provides me with so much peace, joy, and support.  I know that He supports me and will help me do all things. I know that the Lord is real.  He lives.  He helps us each and every day.  He is truly all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful!  I testify that we can ask for His help and He will grant us the needed strength.  I believe in Christ.  He truly is our King - the king of His kingdom, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Let's go save some souls - either through the temple or through inviting someone to church.  Either way we are saving a brother or sister. We got this!

Love you all!  Keep the faith!!!
Hurrah for Israel!!!!
Love you!!!
Elder Weenig

Elder Kennedy and I with the Branch President and his family.
Our transportation from Tarawa to Abemama.  The plane holds about 18 people.