Hello to everyone!!! I love you all!! My p-day was filled with fishing for food, washing clothes in bowls and eating cream crackers .... It was a party. :)
This week was great! It rained a lot. It was amazing! Apparently it was the first big rain in about nine months. Whoot! It was great! It cooled everything off! I love the cold! Everyone in the world should be grateful for the cold! :) Hard to say that to you who are probably freezing right now.... :)
The rain helped with the mosquitoes. I have learned the reason for mosquitoes is to make us grateful for when we are not being bitten by them. :) I am very grateful for bug spray.
I was able go on splits with Elder Jubeck for three days!!! He is awesome! He reminds me a lot of Tyler! It was awesome. We were lead by the Spirit so much, it was great!
We are still waiting for a Branch President to be assigned. Until that happens, we will not be able to do much organizing within the branch. Hopefully next week....
Our hut on the northern part of the island .... It has not progressed... But we work on it occasionally. It's a slow process .... But it will get there. I am very excited for it! We did chop open coconuts to get money to buy supplies for the hut though. Coconuts = money. :)
Thank you for everything - your thoughts, prayers, friendship....everything!!! I love you all!
Keep the faith!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Keep the faith!
Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Weenig
Rained .... more of like an ocean fell from the sky..... Somehow.... |
Rain and more rain |
Our fishing hole |
With Elder Jubeck |
My first catch. This is not the bait. :) (We are hoping this was a catch and release) |
A fishy situation ... Is kissing a fish wrong? I thought so ... But apparently you are supposed to do it to be able to catch more fish .... It is a lie, I didn't catch anymore fish after that .... |